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Articles on Health reform

Displaying 21 - 40 of 101 articles

The number of Medicare claims Australians make in a year doubled between 1984 and 2018. By Sopotnick

More visits to the doctor doesn’t mean better care – it’s time for a Medicare shake-up

Paying doctors a fee for each service they provide isn’t delivering optimal value for the health dollar. Instead, we should pay doctors a lump sum to care for a patient’s medical problem over time.
Doctors are learning new ways to help patients. From

Curing health care with a dose of big data and common sense

As health care providers seek ways to improve care and cut costs, providers and insurance companies have teamed up. A program in Michigan where providers share notes in real time appears to work.
This approach will help concentrate efforts on evidence and value rather than ideologically based, slash-and-burn approaches. AAP Image/Fairfax Media Pool/Andrew Meares

Five tips to get the government started on real health reform

The government must do more to deliver a 21st-century health system – not just to improve its standing with voters but to meet the health needs of all Australians.

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