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Articles on Health care

Displaying 61 - 80 of 380 articles

Ayurveda is one form of traditional medicine that can integrate aromatherapy. It’s popular in South Asia. Microgen Images/Science Photo Library

Traditional medicine provides health care to many around the globe – the WHO is trying to make it safer and more standardized

More people are seeking out traditional forms of medicine, from acupuncture to herbal medicines. The WHO is working to develop standards to make these healing practices implementable on a wide scale.
A new study found that those with student loans are more likely to delay medical, dental and mental health care. PeopleImages/iStock via Getty Images

College students with loans more likely to report bad health and skip medicine and care, study finds

College students who postpone medical care to save money end up paying for it down the line in the form of worse health, a researcher contends.
It is clear that some public trust in public health, science and government has been lost in Canada and around the world. (Shutterstock)

Inquiry must assess how Canada’s fragmented COVID-19 response lost the public’s trust

Now is the time to learn from the COVID-19 response through an action-oriented independent inquiry focused on accountability. Reforms to data generation, access and use are essential.
Hip hop artists, from top left, clockwise, DMX, Lexii Alijai, Prince Markie Dee and Trugoy the Dove have all passed away within the past decade. Getty Images

Hip-hop and health – why so many rap artists die young

As hip-hop turns 50, an unfortunate reality is that so many of its pioneering artists never live to see much more than 50 years themselves, a professor of hip-hop writes.
The 21st Century Cures Act requires that test results be released to patients even before their health care provider has reviewed them. Natalia Gdovskaia/Moment via Getty Images

The 21st Century Cures Act requires that patients receive medical results immediately – and new research shows patients prefer it that way

The law requires medical test results be made available to patients even before a clinician has reviewed them.
Giving innovators the right tools and guidance can set a new path for responsible health innovation for products from concept to disposal. (Shutterstock)

‘Responsibility washing’ is as bad for health innovation as greenwashing is for sustainability. Here’s how to stop it.

New health technologies raise complex economic, social, environmental and safety concerns. Just as greenwashing tarnished sustainability efforts, ‘responsibility washing’ threatens health innovation.
Protesters cheer during a Planned Parenthood rally in support of abortion access outside the Supreme Court on April 15, 2023, in Washington. (AP Photo/Nathan Howard)

Abortion is a workplace issue: How managers can support employee access to reproductive health care

By offering abortion care benefits and policies, employers can serve as a “firewall” to protect against harmful legislation — but only if these benefits are easily accessible and de-stigmatized.
Long COVID patients face many barriers, the first of which is having their illness minimized or disregarded by others. (Freepik)

People with long COVID continue to experience medical gaslighting more than 3 years into the pandemic

People with long COVID report that their symptoms are dismissed or not treated seriously by health-care providers. This medical gaslighting not only prevents treatment but can cause stigma and shame.
Research shows that uninsured people are more likely to get care later in pregnancy, and less care overall. This increases risks for mothers and babies. (Shutterstock)

An emergency in the making: Ending pandemic prenatal health coverage for uninsured people is both costly and dangerous

Discontinuing expanded health-care funding will result in less prenatal care for uninsured patients, more health risks, higher costs to the health system, and moral distress for health-care providers.

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