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Articles on Healthcare

Displaying 141 - 160 of 267 articles

Low blood pressure may cause problems for many older people. Satyrenko/

Low blood pressure could be a culprit in dementia, studies suggest

Researchers are looking for ways to determine who’s most at risk for dementia and also ways to detect it early. A scientist who has studied low blood pressure makes a case for a link between the two.
What rights do you have when discussing medical treatments or test results with your doctor? from

Patients have rights. Here’s how to use yours

It’s all very well having rights. But what do these rights really mean when you’re with your GP, in hospital or in a nursing home?
Bulk-billing rates have been trending upwards for well over a decade. AAP Image/Dan Himbrechts

FactCheck: do 86% of people visit the doctor for free?

Yes, 86% of GP visits were bulk-billed in 2017-18, up from 82% when Labor was in power. But they also rose under Labor, while the percentage for “patients” seems to be lower than the percentage for “visits”.
Telomeres, a part of DNA that hold the key to biological aging. Lightspring/

Want to live longer? Consider the ethics

Several companies are trying to develop life extension methods that could enable some people to live far longer. There are some ethical dilemmas.

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