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Articles on Health care

Displaying 301 - 320 of 375 articles

Is that needle really necessary, doctor? A new list of recommendations by Canadian resident physicians suggests it might not be. (Shutterstock)

Five simple ways to improve Canadian health care

A recent study found that 30 per cent of Canadian health care is unnecessary. Here are five recommendations to avoid pointless health care – for doctors and patients.
Brenda Bradley, 72, and her husband Jimmie, 78, survey flooding from Hurricane Harvey in their neighborhood in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, August 28, 2017. AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis

Older victims of Hurricane Harvey may need special attention as Texas recovers

Evacuations and disruptions to health care during and after disasters like Hurricane Harvey are serious threats for older adults, who may need support well after relief operations end.
Initiatives in infection prevention and control remain critical at all levels of government and in hospitals. from

Here’s how many people get infections in Australian hospitals every year

Australia does not have a national system that collects data on hospital acquired infections. But new research has shed light on how many do occur each year across the country.
U.S. Army Spc. Pam Anderson applies first-aid medical attention to an elderly man during flood relief operations just outside of Winona, Minnesota, August 20, 2007. Staff Sgt. Daniel Ewer, U.S. Army

Disasters can harm older adults long after storms have passed

New research shows that older people are especially at risk during and after natural disasters, and may need medical help or other support well after relief operations end.
Costs of transportation and accessibility are just two factors that increase cost of living for persons with disabilities. Corepics VOF/

The hidden extra costs of living with a disability

Depending on where you live, having a disability can cost thousands of additional dollars per year. Government programs often don’t account for that.
Decreased regulation has failed to reduce the growing administrative burden of health care. Valeri Potapova/

Why market competition has not brought down health care costs

GOP lawmakers say their bills to replace the Affordable Care Act would do a better job than the ACA of controlling rising health care costs, but 40 years of deregulation show it just won’t work.
When a man was diagnosed with Ebola in Dallas in 2014, workers cleared out the apartment unit where he had been staying. Reuters/Jim Young

How Trump’s global health budget endangers Americans

President Trump wants to slash global health funding at a time when more investment is needed, not less. This spending can protect Americans – as well as foreigners – from deadly diseases.

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