Raja Ampat is one of the richest in bio-marine life in the world. But many inhabitants of the cluster of islands in West Papua, Indonesia live in poverty.
Rick Shine aims to save Australia’s reptiles.
University of Sydney
University of Sydney conservation scientist Rick Shine has won a top science honour, for work that uses evolutionary theory to try and keep cane toads from killing Australia’s native wildlife.
Patient and doctor in hospital room.
From www.shuttertock.com
Almost half of all needle sticks in a hospital may be unnecessary, a recent study shows. There’s a way to be done with one, thus avoiding the pain of extra sticks.
Cost and quality issues have long plagued the U.S. health care system because insurance companies both finance and manage medical care. So how did we get stuck with this system in the first place?
Doctors are learning new ways to help patients.
From www.shuttertock.com
As health care providers seek ways to improve care and cut costs, providers and insurance companies have teamed up. A program in Michigan where providers share notes in real time appears to work.
Thinking too fast?
ER image via www.shutterstock.com.
For real reform to Medicare’s fee-for-service payments model, we need to look for more innovative solutions to how we pay for health care. These can be found in an unlikely place: the United States.
This approach will help concentrate efforts on evidence and value rather than ideologically based, slash-and-burn approaches.
AAP Image/Fairfax Media Pool/Andrew Meares
The government must do more to deliver a 21st-century health system – not just to improve its standing with voters but to meet the health needs of all Australians.
Changing a centuries-old format will take some big thinking.
With the one-city format no longer viable, an Olympics expert proposes a radical new vision for the format of the Olympic Games. It actually makes a lot of sense.
How can we get more doctors using better data?
Doctor and data image from shutterstock.com
Analyzing electronic data from many doctors’ experiences with many patients, we can move ever closer to answering the age-old question: what is truly best for each patient?
Our perceptions of spirituality change as we age.
The leading GOP candidates all claim one of their top priorities will be to repeal Obamacare. An architect of the original law outlines the thorny – but plausible – path to repeal.
Civilian doctors might not know that their patients have served in the military. In this photo Marines march around the World Trade Center memorial after participating in a memorial run in 2012.
MarineCorps NewYork/Flickr
Asking ‘Have you served in the military?’ may seem like a minor issue, but it’s actually much more important than you might think. And it’s a question that few doctors make a point of asking.
Why is it so hard to figure out what medical care costs?
Bill image via www.shutterstock.com.
An examination of orthopedic surgery and knee replacement showed that higher payments were associated with markets dominated by a few large physician groups.
State health departments should continuously monitor the hospital activity data it collects for red flags.
Tyler Olson/Shutterstock
Seven babies died unnecessarily at Bacchus Marsh hospital between 2013 and 2014. The My Hospitals website and other reporting mechanisms gave no sign of any problems.
A perverse funding incentive creates or maintains the dependency of older people living in nursing homes.
Mike Hales/Flickr
A perverse funding incentive creates or maintains the dependency of older people livin
Frontline nurses say their views on nursing policy is often overlooked because policymakers do not recognise the importance of their clinical experience.
Stefan Wermuth/Reuters
Honorary Enterprise Professor, School of Population and Global Health, and Department of General Practice and Primary Care, The University of Melbourne
Professor (adjunct) and Senior Fellow, Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto