A remote medicine program in Saskatchewan allows acutely ill children and pregnant women to be treated by specialist doctors, without leaving their communities.
A cure for many tropical diseases was discovered 30 years ago this month. The drug is donated by its manufacturer. Why are we still dealing with neglected tropical diseases?
Infectious diseases have plagued Africa for decades. Now, Africa faces the threat of a cancer pandemic – with a shortage of equipment, doctors and money to treat it.
It looks like where you live, and what regulations that state has for health insurers, may have a major impact on whether you are diagnosed early or not.
Jordan Jarvis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Rob Moodie, The University of Melbourne
It is time to have an open and honest discussion about who is – and isn’t – being trained to secure the future of our world’s health at the World Health Organization headquarters.
New research shows that black patients are more likely to have heart transplants at the worst-performing centers. So how do patients choose where to go for surgery?
As well as being responsible for a large share of total costs, people who visit the GP more often are more likely to live in the most disadvantaged areas, and to report being in poor health.
The period of Open Enrollment, the annual window in which eligible Americans can sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), has got off to a fairly smooth start. Even so it is clear…
It’s a story that wouldn’t normally make the headlines. A middle-aged man in a central Queensland town found himself stacking on a lot of weight unusually quickly. His blood pressure was on the rise, and…
While independent, government-funded Medicare Locals are still in their embryonic form, opposition health spokesperson Peter Dutton has hinted that, if elected, a Coalition government would scrap the bureaucracies…
Each year $120 billion is spent on health services in Australia. But hardly any research is done to investigate whether this money is being used wisely. Only 2.8% of the funding for NHMRC project grants…
Since the government announced its $4 billion dental care program, attention has focused on how it will be funded and whether it is affordable. But if and when it is funded and implemented, the package…
Professor of Surgery and Director of the Virtual Health Hub and the Remote Presence Robotic Program at the University of Saskatchewan, University of Saskatchewan
Director, Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity and Centre of Research Excellence in Obesity Management and Prevention in Primary Health Care, UNSW Sydney